Child & Adult Psychiatrist

Telepsychiatry New York

We are able to increase access and facilitate comprehensive psychiatric evaluations using Doxy me video conferencing which is user-friendly and allows patients to meet in the comfort of their homes or the privacy of their cars using telephone iPad or computer.

Medications are sent instantaneously at the end of the appointment by electronic prescription to the pharmacy of your choice.

Woman setting up telepsychiatry appointment in New York.

Telehealth, or Telemedicine, is a relatively new way of providing health care from a distance using interactive electronic and telecommunication devices. Since so many people have at least one personal communication device that allows for both audio and visual components, it has become a convenient way of accessing health care. With the shelter-at-home decrees during the recent COVID-19 pandemic in most states, telehealth has become a way of life for many health care providers. Telehealth care makes it possible for our health care workers to stay safer as well as those with compromised health conditions.

Child & Adult Psychiatrist

Image of mental health symbol

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